home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- -- background: 2620 from stack: in
- -- bmap block id: 2431
- -- flags: 0000
- -- background id: 0
- -- name:
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on openBackground
- push recent card
- end openBackground
- function frameheight
- return 265
- end frameheight
- function framewidth
- return 395
- end framewidth
- function framebottom
- return 296
- end framebottom
- function frameleft
- return 25
- end frameleft
- -- part 1 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=0 top=314 right=342 bottom=34
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 1014 / 1014
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Prev
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- visual effect wipe right
- go to previous card
- end mouseUp
- -- part 2 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=37 top=317 right=342 bottom=69
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 21700 / 21700
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Home
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- visual effect iris close
- go home
- end mouseUp
- -- part 3 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=440 top=314 right=342 bottom=477
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 1012 / 1012
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Return
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- visual effect iris close
- pop card
- end mouseUp
- -- part 4 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=479 top=314 right=342 bottom=512
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 1013 / 1013
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Next
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- visual effect wipe left
- go to next card
- end mouseUp
- -- part 5 (field)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 4007
- -- rect: left=440 top=26 right=299 bottom=501
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 65535
- -- font id: 3
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Data
- -- part 6 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: A003
- -- rect: left=76 top=314 right=336 bottom=132
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Bar
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- put the userLevel into saveLevel
- if the userLevel < 3 then set userLevel to 3 -- "Painting"
- if the userLevel < 3 then exit mouseUp
- put "Sample Bar Graph" into field "Title"
- clearScreen
- put empty into background field "total"
- reset paint
- choose rect tool
- set lineSize to 1
- set pattern to 14
- set filled to true
- put frameleft() into horiz
- put maxLine(field "Data") into maxValue
- put the number of lines in field "Data" into dataCount
- put round(framewidth()/dataCount) into horizStep
- put round(horizStep * 3/4) into width
- repeat with i = 1 to dataCount
- get line i of field "data"
- if it is not empty then
- put round(frameheight() * it / maxValue) into height
- drag from horiz,framebottom()-height to horiz+width,framebottom()
- end if
- add horizStep to horiz
- end repeat
- reset paint
- choose browse tool
- set userLevel to saveLevel
- end mouseUp
- -- part 7 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: A003
- -- rect: left=137 top=314 right=336 bottom=193
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Coin
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- put the userLevel into saveLevel
- if the userLevel < 3 then set userLevel to 3 -- "Painting"
- if the userLevel < 3 then exit mouseUp
- put "Sample Coin Graph" into field "Title"
- clearScreen
- put empty into background field "total"
- reset paint
- choose oval tool
- set lineSize to 2
- set filled to true
- put frameLeft() into horiz
- put maxLine(field "Data") into maxValue
- set cursor to 4 -- watchCursor
- put the number of lines in field "Data" into coins
- if coins > 10 then
- answer "Only the first 10 data items can be plotted." with "OK"
- put 10 into coins
- end if
- repeat with i = 1 to coins
- get line i of field "data"
- if it is not empty then
- put round(frameHeight()/8.2 * it/maxValue) into coinCount
- set pattern to 13
- drawCoins horiz,frameBottom()-2,coinCount
- end if
- add 40 to horiz
- end repeat
- reset paint
- choose browse tool
- set userLevel to saveLevel
- end mouseUp
- on drawCoins left,bottom,howMany
- put bottom into y
- repeat with i = 1 to howMany
- subtract 8 from y
- drag from left,y to left+30,y+10
- end repeat
- end drawCoins
- -- part 10 (field)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0004
- -- rect: left=257 top=314 right=336 bottom=442
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 20
- -- text size: 14
- -- style flags: 256
- -- line height: 18
- -- part name: Title
- -- part 8 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: A003
- -- rect: left=197 top=314 right=336 bottom=253
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Pie
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- put the userLevel into saveLevel
- if the userLevel < 3 then set userLevel to 3 -- "Painting"
- if the userLevel < 3 then exit mouseUp
- put "Sample Pie Chart" into field "Title"
- put frameBottom()-frameHeight()+10 into pieTop
- put frameLeft()+5 into pieLeft
- put frameHeight()-20 into pieDiameter
- clearScreen
- reset paint
- choose oval tool
- set lineSize to 2
- set dragSpeed to 0
- drag from pieLeft,pieTop to pieLeft+pieDiameter, pieTop+pieDiameter
- set centered to false
- put the number of lines in field "Data" into dataCount
- put zero into total
- repeat with i = 1 to dataCount
- add line i of field "Data" to total
- end repeat
- put "Total is" && total into background field "Total"
- put pieDiameter div 2 into pieRadius
- put pieLeft+pieRadius into pieCenterX
- put pieTop+pieRadius into pieCenterY
- choose line tool
- put zero into angle
- put zero into change
- repeat with i = 1 to dataCount+1
- put pieCenterX + round(pieRadius * sin(angle)) into x
- put pieCenterY - round(pieRadius * cos(angle)) into y
- choose line tool
- drag from pieCenterX,pieCenterY to x,y
- if change > .02 then
- set pattern to getPattern(i)
- choose bucket tool
- click at halfX, halfY
- end if
- get line i of field "data"
- put pi * it / total into change
- add change to angle
- put pieCenterX + round((pieRadius-3) * sin(angle)) into halfX
- put pieCenterY - round((pieRadius-3) * cos(angle)) into halfY
- add change to angle
- end repeat
- reset paint
- choose browse tool
- set userLevel to saveLevel
- end mouseUp
- function getPattern selector
- return item (selector mod 12)+1 of "2,13,11,3,14,6,21,17,31,18,4,32"
- end getPattern
- -- part 9 (field)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=311 top=276 right=294 bottom=429
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 0
- -- font id: 3
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Total